

Oceans Can Be An Ark In The Event Of The Disaster Of War

As the drums of war grow louder in the east there is once again the shadow of a coming world war. We have always been led to believe that if there was ever a third world war, that it would be nuclear and un-survivable. Because of that belief, few people think about surviving a major upheaval let alone think about planning for one. But what if that belief was wrong and it was only the lack of preparation that made it true?

During the Cuban missile crisis the threat to the US was very real. Families built underground fallout shelters close to their homes, which doubled as storm cellars during tornadoes. But is that really the best thing that can be done to protect life through a nuclear storm?

As has been written in a prior article, the ocean is the safest place to live so long as you are prepared for it. At sea, there's no concern of floods or droughts, forest fires, earth quakes, or tornadoes; but there are high winds. We discussed how submerging homes under the water would provide protection from wind and waves. But the question is whether or not that trick would protect during a nuclear winter?

There's not much direct evidence, however we do know that nuclear rods in electric power plants use heavy water to protect humans from the radiation. Salt water isn't heavy water but there is a lot more of it, and the water traps the radio active particles and sends them to the depths - where land allows the particles to blow around a lot. Therefore the air on and around the ocean should clear long before the land masses do.

Temperatures cool over time until the skies clear of the fallout, however water retains its heat long after the land is frozen. It takes a lot to freeze saltwater but it can be done, and this acts as a further heat barrier keeping the oceans comparatively warm. Currents will continue to flow even under ice, therefore the production of electricity should not be a problem and could even produce enough LED light to grow limited food crops. Fresh water would not be a problem either as the ocean water can be purified, not conveniently when on land.

All that's been looked at here does not tell us that surviving a nuclear war is possible, but it does indicate that the best chances for survival will be at sea. Of course this is all dependent on the sea-homes being designed and constructed to allow them to submerge during foul weather and re-emerge after the threat is gone.

An EMF pulse would be felt much further out than the shock wave, so preparation for an Electromagnetic Field or EMF bomb should be considered when building your sea home. Once again the pulse is diminished under water but a little extra hardening is probably still a good idea.

The dangers are real, and no one can begin to guess what the probabilities of a nuclear war really are. However, when you consider that we (the United States) have solders in the Ukraine right across the boarder from Russia, solders in Iraq right across the boarder from Syria with more Russian troops, and politicians talking trash against Russian President Putin, you can not dismiss the likelihood of conflict. Therefore it makes sense to prepare, just in case, but not to stress overly much. Maybe building for retirement is a better idea, and then just add a few things to make the retirement sea-home even safer.

Of course while we prepare for war, even more should we pray for peace - and that's something we can begin right away.

Join us as we lead the way to a brighter tomorrow! / Bob Llewellyn / November 1, 2016

Revised January 2021